Why Uplift
Why Uplift Michigan Online School?

We provide a rich, rigor-filled, technology-focused, tuition free public education with online curriculum content and classes– all day, every day, 24-7.
Our school is teacher-led, teacher-driven, and student-focused.
We utilize the world-class curriculum and learning management system developed by Accelerate Education.
Uplift Michigan Online School teachers understand the unique and diverse needs of students. Therefore, they participate in and lead regular Professional Development workshops and conferences.
Uplift Michigan Online School is student-centered. This means your child will always be treated with kindness, respect, and compassion.
We understand students come to virtual education for a variety of reasons. Our student population is very diverse. At UMOS, we welcome and explore that diversity through virtual interest clubs.
Overall Uplift Family Perception Rating
• How well do students feel the school-year is going? 3.94
• How helpful is staff? 4.66
• How well are special education services provided? 4.75
• How effective are advisory sessions? 4.47
• How functional is the student's workspace? 4.33
• How stable is the student's home internet? 4.69
• Usefulness of family/student handbook 4.47
• How engaged do parents feel their students are? 3.92
• How well do students like the Learning Platform? 4.2
• Overall Satisfaction Rating 4.38

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