
Why do we choose Uplift?

Learn more about the experiences of students, teachers, and staff members at Uplift Online School. Hundreds of students are successfully building their future in our school. Their satisfaction is our top priority.

Uplift Michigan Online School will provide an exciting educational opportunity for all grade levels, offering programs that work to create future leaders.

Student Testimonial

Uplift Upperclassman, Jacob Meyer, shares how Uplift will help him meet his goals

Student Testimonial

Student, Relik Brant, shares why he loves Uplift

Student Testimonial

Student, Kayla Phillips, explains what it's like to learn at Uplift

Parent Testimonial

Hear from parent, Shannon Meyer, about why Uplift teachers are special.

Parent Testimonial

Hear about a student who struggled BEFORE Uplift and the success they've found at Uplift

Student Testimonial

Uplift Graduate, Karen Beltran-Serrano, shares why you should join the Uplift FAMILY

Parent Testimonial

Uplift Parent explains why online school WORKS!

Teacher Testimonial

Hear from Social Studies Teacher, Michael Bonkoski about why Uplift teachers are different.

Our Superintendent

Uplift Superintendent, Tonya Lowry, talks about the difference Uplift makes.

Teacher Testimonial

What is it like to be a teacher at Uplift? with Elementary teacher, Dayna Lundberg

Teacher Testimonial

Director, Erin Pielin, discusses Special Education and Lifelong Learning at Uplift

Teacher Testimonial

Former Principal, Lindsay Wesley, shares how Uplift provides a safe/loving environment for all kids

KG-12th Online School

“Together we have 210 years of experience teaching and 110 years’ experience in teaching online.”

The Best KG-12 Online Course Options for Schools and Districts with full set-up in less than 14 days.

"I liked that everyone cares about my success and I'm not just another number."

I like that I had support through the entire year, whether it be the AP exam situation or I just needed assistance, all of you have supported me along the way. I liked that teachers gave up valuable time, in order to help me through the semesters (whether it be taking time to create a guide for me, or having longer Live Lessons so that we can thoroughly go over the information, or taking time out of their busy day to set-up a One-On-One to go over things that I found confusing). I like the willingness of everyone to engage, whether it be these surveys 🙂 or getting me prepared for the AP Exams. Long story short, I liked that everyone cares about my success and I'm not just another number.

I couldn’t have done it without this school's support and assistance

I transferred to online schooling at Uplift Michigan Academy as a Sophomore, after a terrible experience during my freshman year at my local high school. Within two years of being at Uplift Michigan Academy, I graduated high school (as a junior) with support of my teachers, councilors, and everyone else in the school system. I couldn’t have done it without this school's support and assistance in graduating early. Not to mention I worked full time while partaking in online school and my schedule was flexible enough I could manage both and all of my teachers were very understanding about that.

Thanks to UMA my daughter was able to work, grow and engage in an environment that also nourished her soul.

We were recommended to choose Uplift Michigan Academy by a family friend and staff member (Jon D). We had researched other schools and just not been happy with them. To say our experience has been life-changing is an understatement.

My daughter was dealing with some major social issues and bullying in public school. Girls are just unkind. After three years of watching her self esteem dwindle to almost nothing, witness her coming her EVERYDAY to have a mental breakdown and have her school principal not handle anything, we decided it was time for a drastic change.

I have watched my daughter blossom this year. The teachers and staff have been so kind and understanding. The personal relationship that these kids are allowed to develop with the staff is amazing and so positive. Thanks to UMA my daughter was able to work, grow and engage in an environment that also nourished her soul. Without this year and this incredible experience, my daughter would have been lost in the public school system. I can’t recommend UMA enough.

About Us

We pride ourselves in creating a family atmosphere, caring for a student both academically and individually. Uplift Michigan Online School has a rigorous curriculum and small class sizes and teachers who go above and beyond daily for their students.

We provide you:

• A learning atmosphere with high expectations and lots of support.

• Curriculum and support options for at-risk students.

• Certified and highly qualified teachers.

• Services and support for students with special needs.

• A plan for graduation.

• A flexible learning environment.